Ass out of me, ass out of you.

You know what they say about those who Assume. It makes an ass out of me and an ass out of you…

And we aren’t talking about donkeys here people…

I think, in our culture, assumptions are part of what’s killing our neighborly ways.

I live in a niceish neighborhood, especially for Central Pennsylvania, and I have neighbors on all sides of my property.  We all have kids about the same age.. they all seem like alright people.. but for some reason, we never hang out.

Why is that? Is it because we just assume that none of us have common interests? Or is it because we are all so ridiculously busy we don’t have time for other people??? Now, I’m a busy guy.. but I always have time for my family and friends…. So, it’s gotta be the former of the two.

I don’t know what it’s like in other parts of the country, but that’s how it is here… When I was growing up, my Dad and Mom would always have cookouts on the back porch… The neighbor kids would come over, as well as their parents. Even the older neighbors who didn’t have kids came over.. and we all sat on the porch.. the kids played.. the parents drank a couple beers… we ate BBQ Chicken and had a legitimately fun time!!!

Where has that concept gone??? Where did we get so caught up in staring at little screens and bingeing nostalgia on Netflix did we FORGET to enjoy our neighbors company???

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not pointing fingers at anyone.. because I do this too.. but WTF is wrong with us as a society??

Why is it so hard to introduce ourselves, talk about life, and learn to trust human beings that live in close quarters with us???

I Guar-an-fucking-tee you that if we spent a couple hours a week entertaining these people, that we would all be a lot happier as a culture. We wouldn’t be sneakily spying on each other, wondering what stupid shit each other is up to if we just hung out with these people!!!

I can talk about this until I’m blue at the face… then I’ll get tired, sit on my ass, and watch TV with my wife… while it’s gorgeous outside, and we ignore the people around us…

I don’t know if we’re afraid of subjecting new people to our messed up lives.. or if we are just terrified of the possible rejection that comes with making new friends… or MAYBE.. just MAYBE we’ve even forgotten how to interact with people in the flesh..

I have to say, I have more conversations with strangers online, than I do with people that I can physically see and communicate with… that’s the life we are living.. welcome to the digital age!!

I am so ready for this weekend… A couple music gigs and then it’s up to the cabin where I get to unplug for a good 24 hours and have to deal with the hustle and bustle of the world.

Thanks for reading.. Sorry if I seem a little aggro this morning, it’s been an interesting week and the lack of sleep is just wearing on me.

Author: joeflair

Pennsylvania Native, Husband, Father, Learning to be an accountant.. while being an accountant, part time wannabe rock star! I guess you could say I'm a jack of some trades.. Aside from music, I'm proficient with computers, I'm a home-mechanic, offroading enthusiast, a cook, gamer, and a whole mess of other things. I'm very passionate about the things i love, and brutally honest about every aspect of life.

9 thoughts on “Ass out of me, ass out of you.”

  1. I love this! and I wrote the same thing about the “ass out of you and me” in my post today! You are so correct in your assumption that we as humans are less interactive with others and would prefer to steer clear of any awkwardness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome! I will go check it out!!! It’s a real shame that this is where we are as a culture… I find myself longing for the human interaction we once had.


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