Oppression, in Uniform


Any blue collar worker wears them… I’ve worn many: From Pizza Delivery, to factory work, writing parking tickets, doing maintenance, and now my job as the Dispatcher of the city of Williamsport. Nothing makes me feel more restrained, at my workplace, than not wearing my own, comfortable clothes.

There is nothing like the joy of removing my work boots, pants, and shirt; then putting on my own comfortable jeans, chucks, and a T-shirt, it’s like a small victory every day!

Which brings me to this point: Just another thing I love about being able to do music, as a second job… wearing whatever the heck I want!! There really are a lot of perks to being a “working musician.”

  • I get to do what i love, and get paid for it…
  • I get to dress as I please, and people can’t tell me otherwise…
  • I am the guy with the microphone… This has more power than you can imagine.. I say things, and people have no choice but to listen. I can make jokes, tell them to give the bartender money, entertain them, and they have no choice because I am the loudest one in the room!

Back to the topic at hand… Nothing makes me feel more like a “number” or a “drone” than having to be dressed like the people I work with…

I even have to dress like I”m going out to pave, even though I”m in the office… Bunch of crap, but it pays the bills!

Of course, in the same breath, I played in the marching band in High School, those uniforms were uncomfortable, but damn we looked good as a group.. So, from a “team” perspective, I suppose it makes sense.

Ah well.. I suppose I can’t complain too much.. The real men in Uniform are our military services. Those guys have to endure the harshest conditions our world has to offer AND They have to do it while in uniform. So, hat’s off to the guys who REALLY sweat their nuts off! Just remember that when you’re ready to complain about what you have to wear to work. There’s people out there who pretty much live in their work uniforms, and do so WHILE putting their lives on the line!

Thanks to the great men and women who protect us, once again. It can’t be said enough, especially by people who claim to be artists, and are free to express in this world.

Have a great day, readers!

Starting my weekend early!

Except.. not…

I still have to work tomorrow and Friday, but I have 4 gigs, between now and Sunday!

I just wanted to take a moment and reflect on how incredibly lucky and blessed I am, to be able to perform music, something I love, and even make money with it sometimes.

It really is incredible, that in this armpit of Pennsylvania, a guy can be pretty decent at guitar and singing and do it to make ends meet. As we come up on this Memorial Weekend, I want to thank anybody who has served in our military, for keeping us safe. More importantly, for keeping us free. I’m sure there are places where my ideology would get me executed, but instead I have fans and friends who support my goals as a musician!

Remember: The men and women who are sworn to protect us, aren’t the same people who make our laws.   I can respect the Military without supporting the poor decisions that our government seems to make.

I hope you can all take a moment and remember those who have paid the ultimate price, so we can express freely, in America.

Thanks, as always, for reading!

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